The climate is the largest system on earth – one which we do not exist in opposition to, but rather surrounded by. Within it, we are all connected to a broad range of human and non-human agencies forming one giant ecosystem. The climate knows no boundaries.
Taking Bruno Latour’s eponymous essay as a starting point, the two-week unplugged programme “Down to Earth” will bring together artists and experts in sustainability and the practices of grounding in and around the Gropius Bau to work with visual art, live work, talks, workshops and music on other forms of being – in the Latourian sense – worldly and grounded.
With Frédérique Aït-Touati & Bruno Latour & guests, François Chaignaud & Marie-Pierre Brébant, Agnes Denes, Yngve Holen, Koo Jeong A, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Alicja Kwade, Tomás Saraceno, Maria Scaroni, Claire Vivianne Sobottke, Joulia Strauss, Meg Stuart, Rirkrit Tiravanija / Nikolaus Hirsch / Antto Melasniemi / Michel Müller, Alexander Vantournhout and many others
Kunst betont schon lange, wie wichtig unsere Umwelt ist – im Widerspruch zum klimaschädlichen Kunstbetrieb, der sie ausstellt. Der Berliner Gropius Bau will sich deshalb in seiner neuen Schau auch an die eigene Nase fassen