Group Show: TOTAL RECALL – Learn the Unlearning

TOTAL RECALL – Learn the Unlearning
curated by Fousieh Mobayen
Ellen Antico | Wolfgang Günther | Alice Morey | Victor Payares
The order of the world is based on theories and science that are influenced by history, archeology, philosophy, and various other information systems of humanity.
How we utilize information to decode these systems is very individual, connected to the way we were socialized, and shaped by our life experiences and respective knowledge.
We develop different realities, identities and follow cultural habits that define our being. When views collide or dissonance is created, these situations become about defending one's own view, at which point a process is triggered within ourselves that causes irritation and disengagement from the root of our being – is this thinking a collectively learned ritualized pattern or a human truth? The question is, how can we overcome different realities trying to understand the other side without having to discard ourselves?
This group show is an attempt to see different perspectives of the world order. Whether it's a natural, cognitive, humanistic or more cultural standpoint, there are different ways to understand humanity and our world.
TOTAL RECALL – Learn the Unlearning is intended to bring new perspectives to given situations that were previously taken for granted or have never been questioned before. To see without bias and perhaps to consider that there are mystics and powers unbeknownst to us.
With each work, the artists show what is at the center of their work and their world, and what moves them personally as painters, but also as people and private individuals.
–– Fousieh Mobayen